Private clients:

Tax returns, tax declarations, tax advice, fiscal partnerships, mortgage taxes, national and international property tax deductions.

Mostly it is beneficial for expats who live in the Netherlands to take a look to the Dutch tax refund options. There are a few forms to apply for tax return:

  • M Form (Migration Tax Return): for the year in which you moved into, or out the Nederland
  • C form: for foreign residents with income from the Netherlands
  • P form: tax declaration for private individuals
  • 0 form: tax return for freelancers

The tax authority (Belastingdienst) send out the invitations to file a tax declaration form. The deadline to file a tax return is 1 May.

We also can help you with any other personal matters concerning your tax declarations or life in the Netherlands:

  • any other services such as writing any kind of letter in Dutch to the all institutions in the Netherlands ( also objection letters)
  • requesting payment arrangements
  • contact with the tax office

Every personal situation is different that is why please do not hesitate to contact us.

For students and PhD candidates competitive fees!


Small Business:

Business administration, Zzp, accounting, VAT declarations, invoices, financial statements, balance sheets, annual tax declarations.

The complete business administration for start-up companies and small businesses:

  • if necessary, for the begin businesses help with registration at the KVK (Chamber of Commerce)
  • tax VAT declarations 
  • invoices
  • financial statements
  • balance sheets
  • yearly tax declarations
  • ICP declarations
  • preparing all papers to the tax authority control
  • any other personal matters related to the above-mentioned aspects 

Social benefits:

Applying for childcare allowance, unemployment support, health insurance allowance, rent allowance, personal budget.

  • Childcare allowance (kinderopvangtoeslag) is available for parents that work or study in the Netherlands. There are a several conditions that must be met in order to apply for the childcare benefit. For more information, please visit Belastingdienst website or feel free to contact us. The number of childcare hours for which you may be entitled to receive the childcare benefit depends on the number of hours worked with the fewest working hours (you are entitled to maximal 230 hours per month per child).
  • Unemployment support: To be eligible for the unemployment benefit in the Nederlands you must have been employed for a minimum of 26 out of 36 weeks before your first day of unemployment, and be under 65 years old and able to work. We can help you with the whole registration process and explain you the most important things as well as answer to any of your questions. 
  • Health insurance allowance (Zorgtoeslag) is for everyone who have Dutch health insurance, valid residence permit or work permit, your incomes cannot exceed: without fiscal partner 28.720 euros per year, with fiscal partner 35.996 euros (2018),the value of your assets, for example your savings, must also not be higher than 113.415 euros for individuals and 143.415 euros for partners( 2018).
  • Rent allowance: it depends on your income and your monthly rent. For more information, please visit Belastingdienst website or contact us.